Just a little information about passports....when you cruise....the ship TAKES your passport.....and they hold that passport for you. You receive a passcard to use on the ship and to get off the ship and to get back on the ship. You get your passport back when you disembark.

So you do leave your passport and your important papers on the ship.

IF you book excursions...THROUGH the ship.....they will not leave without you. SO if you booked a trip to the French side through the cruise line....they will not leave you behind.

If however...you got off of the ship and hailed a taxi to the french side...and you do not get back to the ship in time to leave...they will most certainly leave without you....and you can arrange transportation to get back on the ship at the next destination.....but it will be on YOUR dollar.

This is one reason I ALWAYS book our excursions through the cruise line. I want to know if something happens they will wait for me. It costs more...but it is worth my peace of mind.

We have been to SXM 15 times...we support the people of SXM in their effort to have equality and fairness. I don't agree with the way they handled it....and i am afraid it may have done mare damage then good....but i support their rights and their choice to do so.

It will certainly be reflected on trip reports and cruise reports...and it will certainly deter tourists from choosing SXM as their destination. It may also cause cruise lines to change their destination.

We will hope and pray the protest achieved the goal....and that the damage will be minimal.

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