Don't recall ever hearing about an afternoon arrival by someone chartering a boat expecting to start that day. We owned a boat for many years with TMM, never had to do a checkout, always arrived the day before, usually stayed at Maria's..sometimes on the boat but by time provisioned..loaded stuff out of locker on to ice/ cooler...went across the street for some beef pates ...thought of something we forgot and fetched was afternoon most times arriving around 8. I would not plan on getting off the dock till following day unless you don't need a checkout or chart briefing ..if that is the case you don't need chart briefing, checkout sail, extensive boat briefing because of previous charters with TMM and you grab minimal
provisions from the rite way adjacent to TMM ..everything works perfectly via flight, customs, taxi etc... It's remotely possible. I would suggest moving up flights a day if possible or be happy with an early departure the following am. In this case I think the fee for a sleep aboard is half the daily rate. If arriving at your time I would do the sleep aboard, use the savings for a nice dinner at the Dove or Cafe de Mare if want simple and casual...head out in the am.