SXM Mike,

The RIU resort is the main resort in this area and is at the bottom of the hill at waterside. Driving in and down to RIU, you will come to a guardhouse which is actually for RIU.

At that point, If you wish to have a lovely day at the Restaurant at Anse Marcel (this is the only name I know it by and it could have a formal name I'm unaware of.....) turn left just before the guardhouse entry to RIU and from that point keep driving until you can drive no further, disregarding all the signs that say 'park here' or 'private' and ultimately the road becomes a dead end in a cobble stone like parking area. Walk through the restaurant at this point and someone will most likely meet you and show you through to the beach, allowing you to select a lunch time and table on the way, and giving you the prices for the chairs and umbrellas. Note they are NOT free and the pricing is in EUs, or was when we were there.

The beach service was very good and the furnishings very comfortable. We plan on heading out that way at some point while we're here but it is a bit of a drive from the Towers and we haven't gotten that far yet.

If you are looking for a rough beach with waves and surf, this is generally not the case here, and the chair set-ups are widely spaced so you're really not part of your neighbors conversation as is the case in so many beach locations.

Hope this helps just a little bit to clarify and like so many, we've come to love the place but it is NOT an everyday beach unless you really want to spend a fortune. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat