Not quite a trip report, but I had a random unplanned stop here 2 weeks ago. Wow what a surprise. The "resort" is locate on an island on the South Coast of Haiti, Ile de Vache. The resort has a nice pool area, awesome restaurant big enough for a large crowd. We checked out the rooms and they were very nice, setup in cabins, with 2 rooms each. Staff was great. There is a nice beach also.

The island is very poor, but we saw no trash, everything seems to be repurposed. The people didn't beg, they asked us to do any work on the boat.

The amazing part of this place, while we were having lunch, there was no sound, no TV, no outboards, no cars. There were a few horses, but their sound is peaceful.

So if you are looking for a remote get away, you might look into this place. Not easy to get to. Fly to Port a Prince, bus for 4 hours or car rental, then 45 boat ride. The room rate was $130/day including 3 meals, beers were $2.50.
