SuburbanDharma said:
The drunker you are, the better I look! <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Grin.gif" alt="" />

So back to the original subject, is there any really compelling reason to go over to ONB? (Or YCCS, for that matter- is it just a restaurant & pool?)

One some will always think the newest, hottest, most expensive, or "exclusive" is the best. Others are curious and think they must see. Just like the newest local restaurant or movie.

Now to the BVI practical realities. For a decade or more there are simple many more boats and yachts. Bigger Boats with more packed aboard. When we chartered in 1979 four aboard was the norm. Today ten or more with generators, water makers, and AC. All those diverse people want options from 1-5 plus stars ashore.

Yes, some on here love and swear by Leverick. Going back to the 80's I can remember a massive BEYC following. For decades BEYC has been "overcrowded" with seats at dinner there sometimes hard to get. So Oil Nut will provide a service to some of the community. Just like Peter, Scrub, and even Little Dix. When you reverse engineer the math all the land guests are paying far more of their room rate in "resort fees" than $195 if and when we as visiting yachtsmen are charged that fee. Oil Nut is a very well run high end venue. That is not and will not be for everyone. Just as the weekends at Willy T's may not be for everyone or sleeping in a tent at Ivans.

More boats, bigger boats, higher end boats = demand for more and different seats for lunch, dinner,and near the pool.

Since the 1990's we have been leaving part of our crew at the BEYC Pool for the day where some enjoy the high end salad. Others go off diving. We now expand to the spa at Peter Island for one day, and one night in a slip at Scrub. It all comes down to who is on your boat and if they want to just run from one sand beach bar to the next for 10-15 days.

What is the draw. Nail Bay is the highest end option in the BVI along with Guana and a few others. I guess sleeping in a tent at Ivan's or Brewers would be the other end of the spectrum. 1-5 Stars the BVI now has all those options.