here's a really easy and very tasty macaroni salad we just kind of made up:

Cooked pasta of your choice usually small elbows are the best.
Add some mayo, a tablespoon blob or two
Diced Red Onion (maybe 1/2 an onion or so) or green onions (scallions)
Diced Celery (one or two stalks)
maybe a little chopped fresh jalapeno for some extra kick
2 cans Canned crab or salad shrimp
a bunch of Old Bay Seasoning

one of our kid's friends was over one time and almost ate the whole bowl he liked it so much...his nickname was Bob Saget because he was infatuated with Bob Saget's stand up comedy so it will forever be known in our house as "Saget Salad"! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

super easy and really great!