Brian, I grew up on the beach and 62 years later am still here. My grandmother used to take my sister and myself down to the water at low tide to pick mussels off the jetties and am in total agreement that those of us lucky enough to have access to wild don't mind the extra work of cleaning them. I was paying $1.00 a lb for my pei's and after a rinse they went from cooler to pot and on the table for $8.99 so it was a sweet thing. Another quick receipe, a pia but good nonetheless. Put a few dozen mussels in the freezer until they start to gape, open them with a clam knife, slice the mussel's muscle (always wanted to say that) like a 1/2 shell clam and top with a mixture of bread crumbs, grated cheese, garlic, oregano and olive oil. Broil briefly until brown. Great appy.

Last edited by silverfox82; 05/27/2009 03:47 PM.