Surprised no replies yet. No idea if there is any mosquito control on VG. Confession, we're always been boat based about 12 trips. In general we've seen few mosquitos but they can be present. It depends on so many things it's hard to give an answer. The amount of recent rain (standing water), if conditions are ripe for them to hatch and the strength and direction of the winds has a lot to do with it. I'd say be prepared, especially if one of you is a mosquito magnet but in general on some visits you won't see any, other times there will probably be a few and on rare occasions it's possible they could be a problem. Sometimes on the way home I see people with several red spots on their legs/arms in the airport. I don't know if they've been bitten by mosquitos, sand fleas (no-see-ums) or something else and I don't know where they were staying or if they are the unlucky ones that bugs just like to bite. I'd say expect the best but plan for the worst.

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!