Sorry to pile on to someone else's thread, I just didn't think this merited its own, since it's a long shot:

In March of '15 we used a driver from Soper's to Roadtown when I needed my ring cut off my swollen finger. We got his number from a motor yacht captain who happened to overhear us desperately trying to find a cab. It wasn't so much a cab as a car service, as he had an immaculate white Lincoln with wonderful a/c and working suspension. <img src="" alt="" /> He was incredibly nice and though we requested a trip to the hospital, he made about 5 phone calls to see if a jewelry store could get the job done, and that's where we went, saving us hours and hundreds.

We've lost his contact information. I'm 99.999% certain his name was Omar, but a friend to whom we gave his number seems to think it was Clarence. Does anyone by any remote chance know who he is & have contact info? He was one of the nicest, most helpful people we ever met in the islands and I'm kicking myself over losing it.

If I can't be a good example, I'll just have to be a horrible warning. [Linked Image]