trailer12b1 said:
We asked the owner of Le piment in orient beach Saturday night as we had a wonderful meal. Great spot. She said they need and expect a 10-15% tip. She feels none of her workers would last more than one months with tips rounded up by a few euros.

She could not be nicer and prices with tipping were very reasonable.

We tipped 15 and 10%!on the bottle of wine, even in the USA 10% on the alcohol portion is perfectly fine

You have hit the nail on the head! After 17 years of visiting St Martin all at the same Orient Beach location we have made quite a few friends who are full time residents and severs in many different restaurants. They need the tips that the Americans leave for them. Remember they pay the same for food, drinks, and recreation as we do. The so called living wage that they make may be OK in France but it is not enough to live in a island resort area. Now we can say maybe they should live and work elsewhere if we want to be flippant but if they did St Martin would not have the charm it does now.
Some here called us obnoxious for tipping 15 to 20% but i know that is very much appreciated. So I will continue to tip because the money i save would not change my life in any way and it may help a now or future friend.

I love how the tipping thing comes up every 6 months or so. Have watched this discussion go on and on and on since i joined the old Travel Talk Board