That sounds really good Jim!
Unfortunately, I'm the only person I know (family & friends) that actually likes lima beans!
I absolutely love them, but the only way I get to eat limas now is to heat up a small can for myself!
Don't think I'd get any takers if I made it, except myself... No one else would never even consider tasting it!

BUT, on the other hand, we just got a whole bunch of FRESH English Shelling Peas yesterday at the farm stand down the road!
Big Fat Pods!
I love the fresh pea season! Lot of work to shell them, but Deb & I just sit at the kitchen table and do it while watching TV...
so worth the effort for fresh peas!
I eat them raw, like candy! also great in Macaroni Salad, slightly blanched and chilled...
or cooked and mixed with mashed garlic potatos!

BTW... I'm with you... I rarely use a recipe as given... I adjust as I see fit... I consider a recipe only a "guideline" to my imagination...

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{