I am elated that you are excited about the program. I am posting this message to reassure you that your concerns are being heard.

This program was in fact an initiative from our German Office and because of its success; we have decided to extend an invitation to all of our loyal visitors.

All material/collateral for this program is in "German" so after translating it’s a matter of reformatting to accommodate our global visitors, that's what taking so long with the application, amongst getting everything else ready.

We are still working out the logistics of how the applications will be received, so please bear with us.

We are in hopes that the program will begin November 1st 2009.

So please, I encourage your emails to receive applications, and I am trying my best to respond to everyone as they come in. Also, I've already stated a data base with those persons that have contact me so you will be the first to receive applications.

I am a real person at the receiving end of your email, so if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations please do not hesitate to let me know.

BVI Tourist Board & BVI VIP Club