With 1100 to 1500 boats regularly operating in the BVI and boats that are getting bigger by every measure the only practical policies are those that move to zero tolerance for any anchoring. As the boat numbers grow the percentage that are not skilled or through perceived entitlement think the rules do not apply to them grow as well. I suspect alcohol also comes into play. A public mooring only policy allows for planning and control of the density of boats in each area and would force the spreading out of the fleet along with the elimination of the fleet from any truly sensitive areas. To those that say "Hay! I only anchor on clear sandy bottoms!" Maybe that is where the mooring(s) should be or dispersed into mitigate the toxic plume created in most of our anchorages. Can this all be done today NO! But, the powers that be could approach this island by island. To those of us that are highly skilled and believe we are always harmless in our anchoring practices. Our very public anchoring practices encourages others who are less skilled and less caring. If you are concerned with doing your part for the reefs? Use the public mooring infrastructure along with caring social pressure encouraging others to do the same. The BVI is the laggard in highly traveled area when it comes to mandating the use of moorings. We should not be supporting or encouraging that inaction. The start of this thread is one of hundreds of examples that happen each year when anchoring by boats is tolerated.