Not true at all. It's a peaceful demonstration. Ferguson was not quiet or peaceful. It appears to be pretty much over now. The Gendarme cleared the people out about an hour ago. This happens quite frequently on the Island and nothing to get worked up about. Yes, it's a nuisance for us "locals" and I understand that it puts a damper on the vacationers, and I feel bad, especially if they only have a week vacation, but the people of St. Martin have a legal right to stand up for and support local businesses that are getting "shafted". I think some people forget that this is not the USA and the French culture supports this type of action. Don't get me wrong, I think blocking people from passing is wrong, but I do respect their right to do it. I really hope people don't cancel their vac plans or stop visiting the French side. They would be missing out on a beautiful half of the Island.
After I wrote this, the Gendarme riot squad did disperse the crowd with tear gas. This was done because some of the protestors were throwing stones. They tend to let the people demonstrate as long as it's peaceful. It's now over.

Last edited by NakedAsAJaybird; 03/10/2016 07:41 PM.