Part of Global Entry benefits is TSA Pre-Check. Application and acceptance of GE requires the individual to complete a background questionnaire and visit a TSA facility for an interview by a TSA agent. Since a background check has been performed, the individual is deemed a lesser security risk and is subject to a less stringent TSA security check on domestic flights (TSA Pre-check). An application and processing is also required ($100) and your GE certification is good for 5 years. The TSA Pre-check benefit, however, can be suspended if conditions warrant. My Wife and I had had GE for two years. TSA Pre-check works for all our domestic flights, including US portions of international flights. It is not applicable in SXM since they have their own security protocol. For frequent travelers it is worth not having the added inconvenience. BTW the GE part includes scanning your fingerprints and taking a photo at the entry kiosks when returning to US airport for Customs and Immigration.