Find yourself a boat you like to sail and sleep on. Travel throughout the Caribbean and just about anywhere third world. At night position yourself comfortably where you can do you whatever it is you like to do and still see the island in the background. It will not take long to see whole sections of islands click into blackness as the powers that be God or Man take down the power sources. When the power goes out or when it comes back on. Note how the roosters and other animals react to the man imposed changes. Peter Island, The Ritz Carlton and the other high end resorts make the investments so they are not effected directly. If you must have your CNN or ESPN 24/7 I suggest the likes of the Ritz Carlton or Four Seasons. At least when you complain they will pay someone to hear you whine and pretend like they care. They employ and army of people with the title Assistant Manager so smile and fill that purpose.

Last edited by StormJib; 04/28/2016 09:26 PM.