A little early in the season but since Lil Seaside will be off playing with her buds, its just Ms Seaside and me. I am thinking about a strip sirloin recipe I picked up down in the Keys a few years ago. It does best in cool weather, but what the heck, the high Monday in Memphis is supposed to be 78 Degrees!!

Here goes:

1 pound NY Strip Steak
Margarita mix (W/O alcohol)
Marinate the steaks over night in a glass flat pan covered in the fridge.
Grill to taste

Top with a big spoon of chili, hotter the better,
Top that with cole slaw
Top that with some grated cheese.

That'll keep your cholesterol up!!!

Some home made Key Lime pie, a Rita or two and a few hours in the pool and hot tub.

Nap time after that.