George, I have done a LOT of reading and investigating into the Zika virus ... and here's my biggest concern:

Men and those women who are not of child-bearing age, tend not to worry too much about getting the virus. I spoke to a few of my friends (over 60) who basically poo-pooed the notion of it even being a concern for them.

My point was that for the most part, the symptoms of Zika are often no worse than any of the other mosquito-borne diseases ... BUT ... [color:"red"]IF[/color] the suspicions regarding microcephaly are proven accurate, then the cavalier attitude of my friends becomes a major problem. If they get the virus, they then become carriers. It only takes ONE mosquito to bit them and then bite the wrong woman to [color:"red"]potentially[/color] and irrevocably harm her unborn baby.

Mosquitos don't generally bother me too much, but I nevertheless wear Deet when I know I am going to be in any area that mosquitos are present. More for the safety of others than for myself. I have had 4 of the 5 Denghy strains already and Chikungunya hasn't been an issue for a while now.

For the same reason, I make sue there is no standing water around my place and if I see open containers holding stagnant water around any public places, I always dump it out.

Breeze is right, there is no "definitive" proof that a bi-product of Zika is Microcephaly, but a very large number of health professionals seem to think it is likely. One man in Puerto Rico died from complications of Zika with another existing health problem and the US has no proven that it can also be transmitted sexually.

My preference is always to err on the side of caution. If someone in my family were planning to become pregnant ... and regardless of how badly I might want to see them, I would advise them to wait until after the baby is born to visit the BVI.

I will probably be slagged off for voicing my opinion, but I'd like to remind all that it is just that, my opinion. Nothing more.

I should also state with absolute certainty that I do not believe for one minute the government would hide any findings of Zika virus within the BVI. I follow this particular subject very, very closely. If there is even a hint of it in the air, I will know about it.

Having said that, I truly believe we should assume there are infected mosquitos here. There just haven't been any [color:"red"]confirmed[/color] cases.