I'm not sure exactly what you mean with regard to Loterie Farm and being an all day thing. Many people have done the zip line and enjoyed it, although be aware it's more of an obstacle course kind of thing than a pure 'zip line' experience. There is a pool there (for an extra fee) where you can hang out for a while. And there is the treetop lounge, where you can get light food and drinks and also there is the regular restaurant. The regular restaurant is quite a culinary experience and I personally would want to go home and clean up from being hot and sweaty from the obstacle course, before eating dinner. You could get a drink at the Treetop Lounge and perhaps a light snack after the zip line though.

Don't know anything about the other excursions you mentioned.

As far as groceries, the closest grocery store to you would be TTOL sponsor, Petit Casino. It's a smaller grocery store, right in Orient Village, but with a decent selection of foods. They do DELIVER in Orient Village, FREE, if that suits your fancy. A bit further, there is Simply, in Madame Estate. In general, don't bother with them, as their selection is very poor these days. The best real grocery store close to you would be Super U in Marigot. Great prices and selection!

Carol Hill