After yesterday's traveling adventures and shortage of sleep, Al and I slept in. We then drove to Marigot to Serafina's for their awesome croissants (yum!). We meandered thru Sandy Ground, Cupocuy, and on to P-Burg amidst cloudy sprinkley skys. We were sure we could find Sunny Foods by memory alone and would have if only we hadn't turned off to the left too soon. As soon as we realized our error I got out my street map and navigated us back to where we needed to be and we reached Sunny Foods not a moment to soon as torential rains poured down. The sound inside the market was beyond loud. It'd let up for a few then come crashing down again. During one of the lulls we sped thru checkout and, with the help of a bagger, raced to our car to load it up before the next down fall. We went thru the French Quarter on our way back, the road was beyond flooded in spots. With all the water there was no way to see where the potholes/dips were! It was an adventure but we made it back to Le Petit Plage and The Doves Nest where we were warmly greeted by Daphne (Emil's cousin and the head of housekeeping). It was great to connect with her again! Then, the weather cleared and the sun came out, making everything glitter and sparkle. We put our groceries away, sat on our lovely balcony, sipping a Caribe, watching the setting sun guild the sky. When our stomachs firmly informed us that dinner was a priority we ambled over, sharing an umbrella, as it was sprinkling again, to the Sunset Cafe at GCBC. The normally placid waters in Grand case had been stirred up to a frenzy, and the crashing surf was amazing! We had a terrific dinner (Al had the lamb and I the duck, and we shared an outragous chocolat dessert). At a neighboriing table was a Canadian couple who were enjoying their first trip here. We chatted a while and loved their impressions. We then hoofed it back to our island abode for a quiet relaxing interlude.