We leave Happy Bay in a very good mood and head back north due to the bad looking weather to the south, destination White Rock. White Rock is actuall a reef formation out from Grand Case that has a white appearance when looking down into the water. It's a known area for seeing sea turtles. Anchor up and a few head in snorkling, most stay on board. This is where we encountered a rain shower lasting only a few minutes.
Upon return of the swimmers we headed back to Pinel where we stopped over at the inside beach and did more bobbing around in the water. Peggy organized another game, the prize being a few (mandatory??) shots of tequila. From there back toward Oyster Pond, this time running with the seas so not as rough.
Back to the dock around 5:30 Great time had by all.
We plan to book again next year.

On a side note, we saw the P&P coming back in yesterday, Sat the 6th, so the posponed Fri. trip may have been made up. Wind was lighter and seas calmer.
This am the seas are about normal, a lite beeze here in Oyster Pond, and a hazy overcast with intermittant low clouds. Looks to be another tough day on the beach.
Yesterday the Club O beach was quite busy but it looked like enough chairs to go around.
Ya'll have a great day, whereever you are.