Crews working on the roads. looking good. Was told they should have the road paved into CGB this week-end. Was very impressed with how they have gotten things cleaned up so quickly.
It was overcast, rainy and very windy except for the day I left. Go figure. But I didn't even take a swim suit this time so it was ok. Took the ferry over to St. John to do a little work and rode back with Kareem. Very rough/fun ferry ride. Even he had to laugh at some of the waves we crashed into. Couple of ladies got soaked!
Back on Tortola everyone was in their usual good spirits. Quito was great but very busy. Only got to actually listen to him sing on Tuesday night for a few but it was great. He sang a couple of songs that I had not heard. later he said he was planning to put them down soon. Yeah!!! Came back with a large inventory of CD's so we are in good shape. He says thanks to all ttolrs!
Had bar-b-que at the Gazebo one night and it was excellent.
Junie, Charlene, Karen, Fritz, etc, etc all said to tell everyone hello.
Didn't see Elvyett. What's new now that he is always at Norman.
Three cruise ships in when I left. Everyone quite excited about the business. That's it for now. Just dropped off my film to be developed but don't know how to put the photos on so doesn't really matter - lol.
Good to be home to see my boys but always hate to leave my family away from home.