On our recent visit I posted a photo of the old Brasserie de La Gare location in its current sad state. I am including a photo from 2002 showing what the marina looked like then. Those were the good ole days. I even see Jean Dupont in the background.....a place we had some fabulous meals back in the day.
OMG THAT IS SOOOOO SAD I do remember the wonderful nites at the Marina. cafe de paris, dupont, then bel epoch (sp?) I don't believe it will ever return. What A shame
We go to the Marina every trip which is twice a year to eat at Le Petite Auberge for lunch. The meals there are extraordinary and looking out on the Marina is a beautiful view of the boats.
We were there in May and were totally disappointed with the conditions there, looks like everything is either closed, boarded up or being torn down . There were no boats in the marina it’s a wonder the a fine restaurant like Tropicana can stay in business, we had made plans to have dinner there for our 55th anniversary, on the way past the parking lot which was full of cars that looked like junks we changed our minds and cancelled we had truly looked forward to dinner there but didn’t feel safe walking there at night, we hope that something is done to solve there problems it’s the first time in 35 years that we have felt that way
i dont think we have eaten in Marigot at night for well over ten years now. Lunch, yes, but that's about it. It is so hard to beleive this marina area was probably the most vibrant area on the island, the multitude of restaurans, the beautiful yachts in the harbor, the weekly carnival night with the street shows, the mimes, the souveneirs, and the great ''snacks'', PLUS the plethora of shops. Now, it is more like a bombed out unsafe ghetto like area. Would LOVE to see this area revitalized back to its original glory.
Our experiences have been great. I don't like walking from parking lot at night so we taxi to tropicana entrance from frigate street since Irma. Wonderful meals especially sole meuniere & then they have Grand marnier souffle Saturday nights. We eat 2 night meals each January & 2 lunch. La main a la pate is always busy at lunch January many repeat customers there as well as us. Ricardo still there.excellent food, service & ambiance. We have lunch & get takeout for dinner. One pasta order serves 2 people generously. In marigot itself because we are just over the hill 5 minutes we eat at least 6 dinner meals at Bistro de la mer. The owner usually there at his table near bar & Paula & Laurent will look after you. She's cute as a button & he's funny. Never feel uncomfortable & parking on street near taxi area convenient. And I'm over 70. We go at least twice at night to the pizza truck in the taxi area for delicious pizza!! People chatting & enjoying themselves & watching people getting off the ferry from Anguilla after dinner. We've not been approached at all. I shop marigot love the lipstick store & I found an excellent jewelery repair shop there with some nice items as well across from post office on street beside the pharmacy. Bistro de la mer was very busy this year at night & lots of vehicles going by. Just our take. Much enjoyment for us & of course a few visits to the marigot market for tablecloth & spices.
I totally agree with you about the Marina. We spend the month almost every July and visit that area at least once a week if not more. We have never had a problem! Often the French Police Officers are at Le Main having a drink. Do not be afraid, enjoy yourself and support the French side they need all of our help.
jeepers--I know that we had the souffle at lunch and I know it was pre Irma. Oh well. If I had known that they didn't have the souffle at lunch, I don't think we would have even gone there.
As a first time visitor by sea this winter, I was kinda shocked at the french lagoon. If you told me that a war had just ended I'd have believed you. If you squint hard enough in this Marigot area you can see the potential/past glory. Really hope France steps up and gets this area to its potential.
We used to go to BDLG back in the 90's.It was packed! Its was one of the busiest places in the Marina.A guy named Patrick worked / managed it. We always had a great time.In the summer is was hot as blazes in there from the pizza oven.