Well, I got back late Monday night, and figured I'd better write this now while it was as fresh as possible in my mind.

I'll just start by saying this was not one of my better trips to SXM, due to severly injuring my back and contracting SARS/Bird Flu or some mutation thereof. More about that later...

AIRLINE: USAir, through Charlotte (Thank God)
CONDO: Royal Islander and Atrium for 2 nights.
TRAVEL FRIENDS: Leslie, Sheila (she314) and her sister Sue.

This trip seemed like it would be much more relaxing than past ones, mostly due to missing the regatta and some of our friends who left just a couple days after we arrived, so we weren't at full party strength.

BEACHES: Sad to say, we only made it to Mullet, and our own beach (Maho). Our day at Mullet was great. The biggest waves I have ever seen....surfers everywhere.....really fun. Also, the weather the first part of the trip was great....not too hot, no humidity, and great breezes. Maho beach was wider than past years, and that was a plus too.


Our favorite island friend, Colin, suggested we try the new Bajatzu (see marybeth's report) in Maho where Mamma Mia's was.....WOW! It was fabulous! Loved the decor, the atmosphere, and the food and service were excellent.

Skip Jack's had great food. Service was slightly slow, but we weren't in any hurry.

Pizza Galley is a favorite. Ate here a few times, including my last night. My mom, her friend and I sat at the only remaining tables close to the parking lot. When we were almost finished, a large group of young people came up and the only spot was the rest of our table and the one butted up to it. So they came over introduced themselves (about 9 of them)and asked if we minded if they crashed our party. They were the crew of one of the yachts (never got the boat name, but it is owned by the Fertitta brothers who own the Station casinos in Vegas). They were wonderful company, just the nicest bunch. We went to JP to pay our bill and he said it had been paid already. The crew bought our entire dinner. You really do meet the nicest people in SXM!!

Sushi at Bamboo Bernies was better than before...they added to their menu, and raised prices a bit, but it really was great. But the tiki bar still sucks in my opinion. I had some first time visitor friends on the island and took them there because it was close, and Lady C was closed that night. Haven't been back there since a trip a few years ago with horrible service, warm beer among other things. Nothing has changed.

Lee's was also good. Love the red snapper there.

We also tried Halsey's this year and had a great experience there too.

PARTYING: We were glad to see Jamie, Danny, Princess Andrea and KevinNYC, also JD and Jill and Charlie for a couple days while there. Sad that we couldn't have spent more time together but there is always next year.

We had a small TTOL gathering on Monday the 13th at Lady C. There happy hour is great, from 4 to 6....$1 beer, $2 mixed drinks (I think I have that right). I can't remember how many showed up, but I'd say about 20. Nice to meet new people and of course see old friends like BobD and Bette, Marybeth and Don....but we missed Augie and Sue!

Did OK at Casino Royale...left with more than I came with, so that is always good.

Went to Soprano's on my last night, and was glad to see they've expanded the place. It is twice the size as before.....and the entertainment that night was the best I have ever heard in 18 years of going to SXM. There were 2 guys playing classical/accoustic guitars, and they were smokin' hot. A first rate act, and I wish I'd gotten their names in hopes of seeing them play again next year. If anyone else knows who I am talking about, then you understand.....they were incredible.

So, on to the trip spoiler...

The SARS started on about the 3rd day as an annoying but mild cold, then got steadily worse as the trip went on. I figured the sun, beer, etc. would kill it off, so didn't worry too much. Then on Wednesday, my back gave out as a result of trying the day before to help a friend out of the water. I was in the parking garage and something in my lower back just snapped. I could not move, but somehow made my way back across the street to the condo (which took about 20 minutes). I have had this type of injury twice before, and it was always a long recovery. I couldn't roll over in bed, sit down or stand up with out severe pain, and SARS on top of it all. Thankfully, She314's dad is a pharmacist and had some medication on hand that helped with the pain, but by Friday, after having laid in bed for 2 days, it was not getting better. My mom took me next door to the Good Life Spa, and Peter did some chiropractic style adjustments which were searingly painful, but released the spasm, so at least I could move a little. The rest of the trip was spent coughing, sneezing, and trying to rest as much as possible.

I was dreading the plane ride, but was taken by wheelchair through the airports and to get on all the planes, they carried all my luggage got, me through customs and finally home. All but one nasty USAir attendant were as nice and helpful as could be. I'd have never made it alone.

So, my trip was not nearly as legendary as the many former ones, but I still was able to have fun when I could. Still sick, still have a sore back, but on the mend. I need to start gearing up for next year.

By the way, Colin if you are reading this, thank you for giving my newlywed friends a map of the island with your recommendations. They said it was the best day they had on their trip.....loved all the places you suggested and really appreciated your help. Muchas Gracias! You are the best!

Only about 345 more days!!!!!!

[color:"blue"]"A true friend is someone who knows all about you, but likes you anyway!"[/color]