Short trip report.
Land based in CGB at Mongoose Apartments March 2-13

Highlights: Kappy Hour at Myetts
Ruben, sunsets & mojitos at Banankeet
Trellis Bay full moon party
Brand new apartment at Mongoose
Normal BVI sights & sounds.
Lots of puppys on the beach.

Lowlights: Weather, we were delayed a day coming down and we had lots of wind & rain once we arrived.
Cruise boat crowds. Its getting worse. 5 – 6 rows of beach chairs up & down the beach.
We literally had no where to lay down one day. Lots of rude people & taxi drivers. We made the mistake of trying
to drive through CGB one day during the exodus back to their boats and got stuck in a middle of 2 drivers butting heads.
Lots of chickens this year! The roosters started around 3 or 4 each morning. A bit irritating but I rather get awoken by those rather
than the thumbing stereos, sirens & noisy exhausts I hear at home.

Most memorable event. Watching Malcolm get confronted by a drunk gal from Philly at Myetts happy hour. She was looking for a fight and he
defused the situation with style & grace, further irritating her.