At the same time as the more southerly TTOLers were partying in New England, a small group of us up here in Ontario, Canada were getting together as well[Linked Image][Linked Image][Linked Image].<br><br>Don & Linda, Kevin & Jeannette and Mike & Brenda convened the SXM North Fall Party in a quaint restaurant in St Jacobs - just north of Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario (about 60 miles north west of Toronto).[Linked Image][Linked Image]<br><br>While not being quite as lubricated as our erstwhile New England TTOLers (we all had to drive), we were able to regale each other with past SXM tales, Club O goings on, ZOO Benefit sailing races, and plans for this coming April.<br><br>In the meantime, Kevin & Jeannette are on their way to Jamaica & then Jeannette is on her way to visit the Club O's "sister resort" in Antarctica[Linked Image][Linked Image][Linked Image]. We will be awaiting those pictures for sure and advice was flowing on where to use the earmuffs.[Linked Image][Linked Image][img]/images/icons/grin.gif[/img].<br><br>A review of the copious pictures (including the press photos of last April's ZOO race which Mike & Brenda have framed and hanging at home) took place at Don & Linda's with much mirth and friendly insults. It seems the seeds are being sown for the ZOO 2 in 02 race!!<br><br>Don & Linda pointed out that as of July, a sizeable portion of Orient Beach near Pedro's had gone missing (it seems the steps to the beach were sort of hanging in mid air).<br><br>Mike & Brenda had their resolve strengthened to try to join everyone again in SXM in April. It was pointed out that the ZOO most likely needs another benefit race to keep going, upgrading and chasing Parrot thieves [img]/images/icons/sad.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/sad.gif[/img]<br><br>Lastly, we hoisted a toast to all our St Martin friends - those we've met and those we will be meeting in the future [img]/images/icons/thumbsup.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/thumbsup.gif[/img] - and particularly to Cathy G & Steve, Jeff (Peaceful) & Sandy and Barbara.<br><br>Despite the monsoon conditions of the day[img]/images/icons/cool.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/cool.gif[/img], everyone had a blast. The spectacular fall leaves up here added sort of a festive feel to the party. <br><br>So to those of you planning on being in St Martin during the 1st & 2nd weeks of April, heads up[img]/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] - the Canadian contingent is coming back (God and the bank manager willing). Be prepared to do a little sailing for the ZOO and Ma Dou Dou sampling with us.[img]/images/icons/clown.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/clown.gif[/img].<br><br>Don will be posting a note and copies of the party pics on their website in the next day or 2. Much to his complete chagrin, Mike forgot his ever present camera[img]/images/icons/frown.gif[/img][img]/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]<br><br>Mike M.

Mike M.