Saturday was a beautiful day, for sure, and the Annapolis Waterfront Marriot--which just happens to have a Pussers Store and Restaurant--was the perfect spot for fellow BVI devotees to assemble and share experiences, memories, and information. Thanks to the efforts of Kathie, Eva, and Donna, that's exactly what happened and a good time was shared by all. The apps placed on the tables were very good as were the entrees from all reports. I don't know how many painkillers were consumed, but I would venture to say the bar hasn't served as many as they did on Saturday for a long time. They were great! I am terrible with names but will list some of the attendees for those of you who couldn't make it with apologies to anyone I may have missed or not met. (BVI Bound) Diane was there with her daughter Alisha(sp?) and they had just returned from Tortola. Kathie was there but her husband, unfortunately, had to work. Then we met Eva and Rick and Rob and Donna(DMR). We sat across the table from Frank and Kim(Gorda Peak)and they had some great experiences to share. JD(DAIX) was there and shared some of his latest adventure with us as well as how his handle DAIX came to be. The attendee who came the longest distance was Frank from Vermont proud owner of AngelinaCat and his web site which I visited for the first time upon arriving home is both exciting, informative with many great links, and moving. ( Cathy and Crystal were there celebrating Cathy's 40th birthday, and then we met Jill and Mike and Jill's brother Mike Hammer and shared some tales concerning beach homes on the NJ/DE coast. Rich & Maggie and Wendy were all part of the festivities, too. Were we noisy?? Probably, but when that many people get together to share their enthusiasm about a vacation paradise, one wouldn't expect library conditions. If there is a next time-a private room with more space to move around might be in order and to spare those who had a problem with our enthusiasm. Thanks and kudos again to Kathie, Donna, and Eva and to Eric for the TTOL logo tattoos. <br><br>