Thanks for posting. I read your report yesterday and I got distracted and forgot to reply. I actually haven't seen a lot of reviews of So French that were very complementary, as most of them seem to say they think the restaurant is way overpriced

At the risk of taking this thread off on a tangent, I totally agree with you, that the resorts should be able to have their food and beverage service be totally under their control. I wish that Royal Palm could figure out how to do that! <img src="" alt="" /> I don't have much experience with the restaurants and bars at Flamingo, but the restaurant and bar at Royal Palm are a disgrace. The service is routinely abysmal, opening hours, especially for the bar above the entrance, are irregular, and the food is generally spotty at best. They are run by a local couple, which I am all in favor of local businesses, but not when they do a terrible job. Diamond tried to throw them out a few years ago and got sued for their trouble and they are still there.

I guess though Flamingo has some different arrangements, although I see that Toppers by the Sea is leaving and I guess Diamond is taking over that restaurant?

Carol Hill