I think the taser and purse snatching was in 721 news but we found out about the incident from our friends staying at Rainbow Condos. They warned us to be careful walking in that area. Forgot to also mention that we ate at Bajatzu one night last week...I think it was Tuesday...and when we left the restaurant we noticed alot of police across the street at the jewelry store. We were told by people in front of the restaurant that the jewelry store and some patrons in the store were just robbed by several men with guns. Due to the warnings, we were extra careful and vigilant this trip and didn't really travel anywhere we were not familiar with on the island...first time I have felt really uncomfortable and constantly looking over my shoulder when walking anywhere near the street. Most of the area we walk to in Maho is well lit with security around Sonesta and the casino, also down by the pharmacy but no security near the jewelry store.