Lenair said:
Thanks guys. Spring Bay sounds good. I like the idea of letting everyone scramble and swim "Baths-style" but if memory serves it could be rough getting a dinghy with provisions onto the beach.

I've seen the pink and green place (Sandbox?) but I didn't know we could use it. It always looks empty when we go by. It might be a great spot to watch the parade of boats heading into Leverick and Bitter End as they race twilight. I know there is anchorage there so that's a plus too.
Spring Bay now has a roped off swimming area, so you will not be able to beach a dinghy there. You could shuttle your stuff using a double kayak or a stand up paddle board.

The Sandbox has a nice big BBQ but they wanted to charge us $250.00 to use it a while ago......not sure what the policy is these days.....??

Safe and enjoyable boating.