Later today, from the military air base Eindhoven, a kdc-10 and c-130 Hercules a of the royal air force commissioned by the ministry of interior and koninkrijksrelaties towards Sint Maarten to fly supplies and additional military personnel.

The Transporttoestellen fly to curaçao. Due to the damage to the airport on Sint Maarten, the c-130 is used to transport the goods between the affected area and curaçao. This tactical transport plane is capable of landing on primitive and poorly accessible runways.

The military will be deployed for assisting and supporting tasks. In addition, water and food are taken, where 40.000 people can be provided for five days. There is widespread destruction of infrastructure and residents do not have running water. There is an urgent need for aid and additional support for aid. Military personnel can also be deployed to restore public order. <img src="" alt="" />

Last edited by sxmmartini; 09/07/2017 01:27 PM.