Ha ha, we were in front of you then...cuz the worst girl sat behind my husband in the back, granny sat next to hubby, and the "mother" of the girls and other girls sat in front of them. Awfully tense with that little $!#* still mouthing off the whole ride. "it's 4:00 now"...yadda yadda yadda.
They had to GO AND GET THEM to pay their bill and get on the boat. Then they took their sweet time, like they weren't inconveniencing anyone. We were yelling to leave their sorry asses there. And she said, "yeah, do it". Ugh.

Funny, you were at Yellow Beach and we hit Karibuni...yet were on the same Last Boat.

OMG, the seaweed smell at Cul-de-Sac.....P.U.!!!

"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest" wink