We too have seen stupid acts by kids showing off on motorcycles while we've been on SXM. Part of it I put down to lax enforcement by police but..they have a problem when trying to stop or arrest a biker because most of the time the bike is a BMX and the perp just heads for the hills..leaving the police behind.
It's not an unsolvable problem but the police will have to be better organized and make more of an effort. Not sure I agree with Carol's comment...I think most of the time it's kids and they DO know how vulnerable they are...they just don't care! In North America we have groups of bikers performing a rolling road block and totally holding up traffic while they do wheelies, etc and except for the assistance of dash cams..police seldom catch the offenders. The image a driver sees when he hits a biker will stay with the driver for life. If the kids want to kill themselves doing stupid stunts it doesn't bother me - even though I've been a biker for 60 years. BUT when the kids involve an innocent and unwilling partner in the stupidity...that's criminal....and needs to stop!