One of the things we found interesting (and pleasant) during our visit last month was the mixture of clothed and nude people on the Club O section of Orient Beach, and their attitudes toward each other. Because it was really the only place one could rent good chairs and umbrellas, plus get a decent meal &/or drinks, the majority of visitors stayed on that end. Everyone mingled together and no one cared who wore what. Everyone was just happy to be there. It made any (real or imaginary) divide disappear. We were traveling with another couple who had been to the island several times before with us, but who had always been a bit reserved about beaching it down on the Club O section. (We usually prefer that end of the beach for various reasons), In any event, we all ended up down there together, more or less out of necessity. Our friends realized that sharing the beach with naturalists was no big deal, no one cared about those who wore suits, and we all had some wonderful days.

We will always return to SXM, even if there is no Club O. It’s wonderful, but so are many other things on the island. We do, however, hope they rebuild and come back strong.

Robin & Ed

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. - Henry Miller