Just spent nearly a month back at CRC in Apple Bay and thought I'd post some thoughts. This was a very relaxing trip having got the upstairs decently fixed up by the end of the last trip. The downstairs rental is still , and will be, a work in progress. On our beach..the two houses west of us, Apple Surf and Casa Caribe have been fixed up with Casa Caribe already renting up and down. On the other side..total destruction next door with no sign of any work going on and, we hear, some legal problems. Calypso House next to that has a new seawall and roof..but that's it. Someone is staying upstairs at Big Apple and doing some work but the ground floor is wrecked. Next door Shifting Sands is a total wreck and no sign of work. Sebastian's is up and running with beachfront rooms and restaurant..nothing new on the menu. They are working on the Villas out on the point. Karlson's old house next door is a total wreck and may be involved in some family wrangling.( these are good times to snap up a beachfront home!!) The Sugar Mill is being worked on and we were hoping Dennis and Mary would have the greatly expanded beach bar done, but work progresses. They promise to have everything up and running in October and the new beach bar and restaurant should be stunning. Next,over in Carrot, D Coal Pot is thriving and doing good food..further down..Sappy's bar has reopened in a rebuilt building. And, we were told, Bananakeet opened right before we left. Altogether a very nice trip..more onshore variety and MUSIC!! would be nice but we are slowly getting there. Still well worth a land based stay..

Last edited by Manpot; 08/02/2018 10:19 AM.