London is probably the best food city in the world - and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The caveat to that is, it's a great food city because it serves brilliant food from all across the world - not because of great British food. Although you can certainly find that if you look. There is probably not a single type of cuisine that you can't get at almost every price level. Even the French grudgingly admit that London is now the food capital of the world - so you know it must be true.

Trick is, stay off the main roads in tourist areas. Because those will be the one's with the highest prices and the crappiest food! Pubs in London generally don;t serve great food (there will be some exceptions like the Anchor and Hope), but pubs in wealthy rural areas will serve AMAZING food. That's not London though...

If you want British food, try Roast (general British food), Hawskmoor (steak), Poppies (fish and chips), Quo Vadis (seasonal British food) and if you have lots of money then places like Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. But the most proper British food is a curry. Go to Brick Lane, near where Jack The Ripper did his work, and try not to find a bad one from the miles of choices. Or you could get a rainbow bagel instead.