Originally Posted by Midsouth
Originally Posted by bailau
Originally Posted by Scandia
We will be going to Anegada. We are flexible on our route. Just wondering if there is a path to avoid congestion.

We usually go from Leverick up to Anegada. I would build around the weather for that day and then that morning get on boatyball at 7am that morning and reserve a mooring or plan to anchor.

Just go out early to get up there

Full moon party is a blast and have done a couple of times so now try and use that day to avoid crowds elsewhere.

Full moon is the 20th? Will there be full moon parties that weekend, or only on that Wednesday?

Don’t mean to hijack the thread, but I’m also headed there at the end of March—22-30th.

I dont know when FMP is in March. We will be there for Feb and Mays FMP and plan to avoid Trellis. It is on the day of the full moon.