Originally Posted by charlie
Hmmm....did you and your crew greet everyone with a polite "hello, how are you today?" as an introductory remark? That is the first thing we say to anyone and everyone, including an empty front room at a small shop. Once at Village Cay marina's restaurant we were being treated by the best service, but a couple at a table next to us were rude, impolite, and expected service as if they were in some place in some big city like New York. Duh! No wait person came to their table and they were completely ignored. Heck, I didn't blame them, we ignored that rude couple too. Being polite to one and all is, in my experience, the basic key to friendliness and interaction in the Virgin Islands and everywhere else...So, hello, how are you today?

Good advise! Always say Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Night when you enter a room. Even if the room appears empty, someone is probably listening.

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay