Do you have actual crime statistics from 2018 available to share with us? Cars being broken into is really nothing new on St. Martin, so has there been a marked increased in robberies? It's really not safe in most U.S. cities to be in isolated areas without any type of security around, so it's wise not to be in those situations in the first place if possible. Many Caribbean Islands have had much higher crime rates than St. Martin, yet continue to thrive when it comes to tourism. And, when we have travelled to Mexico I always here "be safe, a lot of crime down there." Actually, I've never felt safer than when were on a resort in Cancun walking the beach.

The website Ordinarytraveler ranks St. Martin as the fourth safest island to visit in the Caribbean (out of 23). They warn of petty crime, such as your rental car being broken into to, but serious crimes against tourists remain low. However, other islands such as the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago are much worse when it comes to violent crime. Of course, increased efforts to help reduce all crimes is a smart move by island governments so let's hope SXM focuses on this both now and in the the future.