Originally Posted by LocalSailor

Can you walk me through that process? I've always been hesitant to go thru there due to how it sounds like STT is rough and inhospitable and the ferries sound undependable

STT being 'rough and inhospitable' is a pretty unrealistic critique. Walk out the airport baggage claim door , tell the dispatcher you are going to Tortola Wharf, a taxi will have you unloading there in under 10 minutes, buy a ticket for the next ferry leaving, have a drink upstairs on the balcony if you have time to wait, fill out the C&I forms on the ride - about 45 minutes - deal with BVI Customs as needed on arrival. No STT rough,inhospitable encounters to worry about.
The ferries are dependable and running frequently every day. they are only going to Roadtown.[/quote]

I've had no problem going thru San Juan, all I've heard about STT is what I've read on this board, it hasn't been great. I am open to going thru STT just want some coaching