
What a wonderful trip and trip sounds like all your planning was well worth the effort.

I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit I'm not remotely familiar with about half the things you're preparing and/or eating, <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> (I'm nothing if not honest) but it all sounds wonderful!!

I know this is something that's right up your alley so I'm glad it's been all you hoped it might be and then 'plenty' more, since using the word 'some' in that context would be so very understated!!

I wish the weather was a bit more cooperative but there are times in life we just have to make our own sunshine and it sure does sound like you're doing fine in that department. I truly hope the rest of your trip is just as wonderful and like everyone else who is following your journal, I eagerly await the next entry.

Thanks for sharing.....



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat