We were in great harbor on Jvd yesterday. About half of the balls at great harbor are now boaty balls. People are reserving the white fcfs balls with dinghies kayaks and paddle boards. These white fcfd balls are gone very quickly. By around 4pm around half of the bb were still vacant. Hence anyone arriving late in the day either had to go elsewhere or were forced to use boaty ball. Around 4 or 5 balls were reserved in the hour or so before sunset.

I thought that people were choosing to use boatyball for peace of mind that they would get a ball for the night.

Obviously that's not the case anymore. You want to go to this anchorage, you better arrive earlier or plan on using a red ball as you likely have no choice.

I wonder who owns the boat balls here?

Sopers hole now has some boaty balls.

Warren S/V Scuba Doo
Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).
