Frankly, I think the few who decided to stay behind are very foolish. The numbers of new cases seem to be going up every day. And it appears that, regardless of when they come home, they will still have to undergo 14 days quarantine. I think it's pretty obvious the disease is being transmitted on the ship. That's basically what the US officials said. I guess that's really not clear is what happens at this point, as far as the Japanese authorities are concerned. What happens to people once they leave the ship, if they are not being evacuated, as the Americans were?? Smith seems to think that he will just be able to walk off the ship soon, out in the population, and I really doubt that will happen. And regardless, he will be put on a 'no fly' list by the US and his passport will be flagged, so he won't be let in the country. Very foolish.

Carol Hill