Thanks pat. I was hesitant to post anything even though I had read various dates on multiple other sites. I want to be as accurate as possible and it took some digging to find it on AA, but I did. Hence, the link. This could all change at anytime.

I think some of the confusion is what the local SXM government announced as dates and what AA has announced. Either way it is a mess and a lot of misinformation and speculation.

I am not a novice traveler to SXM and I am usually good at dealing with most problems but when it comes to another country and the airlines, ALL bets are off. This has been an extremely stressful situation and my personal situation may still not be resolved. As I work on it, I also am trying to help others who may be experiencing the same or similar problems.

I am not going to pass off "hearsay" and I have heard a LOT of it here on the island and read it on various sites. I will try to provide pertinent information as I find it and I can verify it to the extent I feel comfortable.


Last edited by ruralcarrier; 03/16/2020 09:42 AM.
