SXM - November in the year of COVID-19

So! It took a lot of changes in plans and reservations, being here is the fifth set of changes this year, but finally, here we are at BSV, SXM and it was well worth the effort. BSV just NEVER disappoints!

We had perfect flights on AA. Flew HPN (regional airport half hour from home....) to CLT and into SXM. Flights, both of them, were about half full and on time and the good news, we cleared PJIA in record time. Met Lesley in the parking lot and we were off in a heartbeat to our home for the next two weeks.

Unpacked and got squared away in our room and while we meant to make it out to the pool, we were so exhausted we ended up doing nap time and then dinner in, thanks to the pre-provisioning from Jeannie at Shopndrop. Perfect as always! I can’t say that most would consider roast beef grinders on fresh baguette among the gourmet meals they came to the island for, but it worked for us. Early to bed to let the new day begin.

Sunday: fresh brewed coffee and warmed pastries on the porch with a view of Saba and two cruise ships off to the sea. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

We went out to the pool deck for a bit and met some new faces but old timers to BSV and SXM - Sarah and her family from MI but sadly, their time is done and they’re heading home today. They were a family of three and part of a group who also had major issues with testing and approvals.

We took a short ride and ended up at Fat Tony’s for lunch. Nothing special but good and easy and inexpensive by island standards. We also took a ride up the Towers driveway as far as we were able to go before the security guard stopped us. He was very nice and just like all the owners, he’s heart-broken at the status of things there. He is one of only two Towers former staff still working, and understandably, he didn’t want to say too much for fear of there being only one left after he did. The power is still on but Manu units just wide open to the elements, missing both windows and sliders still.

Home again for nappy time on the porch and then it’s pina colada time! We thought about going out to dinner but just don’t feel like it. Again.....



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat