We also are very recently back and I would say our experiences were mostly positive. Hand sanitizers abounded and we chose to do most of our dining in outdoor or in semi-outdoor situations. I can only think of one situation where masks were not worn by service staff but I was told our experience was not the norm for this place. We only went once so I can’t say yes or no to that.

We were pretty self-limiting in our activities - no shopping to speak of this trip and no casinos or music clubs and in most cases we were home by 10 pm and generally speaking even earlier yet. It was strange not to be able to exchange hugs and kisses with old and dear island friends but they were just as strict about this as were we. On the beach or at the pool we did NOT wear masks but we did distance ourselves safely away from others.

The hardest part of Covid practices for me was in wearing our masks from the limo through the airport onto the planes and back into the airports where we did all the necessary requirements to be allowed on the island and home again but we both came home healthy and tested negative just as we did before we left for the island so the efforts were well worth it.

The biggest surprise to us was the Saturday midday flight home from SXM. Generally speaking, there is standing room only in the departure hall at PJIA and our experience was that even though some airport seats were blocked for distancing, there were still plenty of seats available with no crowds at all. And of course, there were the few travelers who refused to wear their masks but we did see security speak to at least one couple who ultimately complied.

All in all, we had a great trip and I have no regrets having made the effort and taken all the appropriate steps to comply. Sint Maarten was more than worth the efforts and I’d go again in a heartbeat..



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat