Originally Posted by GeorgeC1
A couple of things. I believe ferry service will be operating by July. That’s solves the airfare part. If it’s not available Dolphin water taxi has a hybrid plan where they will put you on a plane to EIS from STT to get to the BVI and then pick you up by boat at the Moorings dock to take you to STT. That’s your backup if the ferries don’t run.
As far as the quarantine part I also think that will not be required in July. The BVI has stated it intends to end the quarantine when they can get 70% of the population vaccinated. Unless they totally botch the vaccination process that should be done in May or sooner. If not your backup is the quarantine.
P.S. Negotiate with the Moorings on the extra days. Don’t pay rack rate. They probably will be running specials for extra days. I would try and get 2 for 1 at least on the 4 extra days.

I have not heard anyone say they will end the quarantine at 70%. The Chief Medical Officer said he would consider revisiting the protocols for vaccinated people once 70% were through their 2nd dose. That position will eventually have to change as I don't expect 70% of the BVI residents to take the vaccine. I have spoken to very few BVIslanders who are willing to even consider it. The expat population seems to be in favor of it but that will not get us to 70%. July 31 is the goal to offer shots to everyone who wants it. Even if that happens (and nothing here happens on time) it's 2 more weeks for the vaccine to be considered effective. That's August 15, then they will consider revisiting the protocols. That's several more weeks of cabinet meetings. Then we'll have to build a publicity committee, plan a launch meeting, miss the date, and then sometime around prime hurricane season, new protocols will be announced during a contract signing for something completely unrelated.

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay