
Thanks for posting the latest requirements. My wife and I have a bareboat charter in April, our 16th trip to the BVI.

We have been unable to find a lab which will promise to deliver the PCR test results in our area of Florida in less than 5 to 7 days due to the heavy volume of testing. They all indicated we may get the test results sooner (3 to 5 days), but I can not plan a trip based on MAYBE.

The current requirement of having the test done within 5 days of arriving and having the test results 48 hours before is unrealistic. Many people can not upload the results of their test to the BVI gateway 48 hours ahead of time if they can not get the test done sooner.

I sent an email to the BVI gateway site informing them of the issue but based on historic events, I do not expect to get a favorable response.

We have rescheduled our trip four times and I am now thinking of asking for a refund of chartering in a different area.

Soooo sad.