Had to work like crazy back in January to get my COVID vaccinations on 2/1 and 2/22. Now, it seems like I'm getting calls daily about "do you still need a COVID vaccine?" So, when these places call I tell them that I'm all set, but I have other friends or family that need a COVID vaccine and I ask if they can call and schedule since there is availability. Some people are not real internet savvy, so helping them out is the right thing to do. So far, I got eleven others scheduled or already vaccinated by passing on a phone number to them and telling them "just make the call." Even if someone is not age 65 or older, there are other qualifications that they can mention to get vaccinated. Are they are full or part time caregiver to an elderly parent or relative? Some have even gotten the vaccine based on their BMI which indicated they are obese. So, just because we are all vaccinated or getting vaccinated let's not stop now, but instead try to draw in others that we know to do the same.