Originally Posted by Carol_Hill
The vaccine only works if you TAKE it. Our county had a positivity rate of 9% yesterday.

Taking the vaccine is a personal choice. I don't understand those who choose not to take it, but I also have no sympathy for them if they become ill. They won't infect me, and while that statement may seem selfish, their choice to not get vaccinated is even more selfish. Yes, some people have not yet had access to the vaccine, and those people need to continue to exercise caution until they can gain the protections that the vaccine provides. We've all been vaccinated against polio, smallpox, MMR, chickenpox, and no end of other diseases that have been all but eradicated because of the availability of effective vaccines.

I stand by my statement that a prediction of "Impending Doom" is fear mongering, and totally uncalled for.